I've been trying to come up with a new name for this blog. I got thinking about deceptiveness, especially within the church. Can people who seem righteous really be evil inside? Can truly evil people do good things? Can these people even fool church leaders? I recalled there are scriptures warning us of "wolves in sheep's clothing." Anyone who used to watch the Roadrunner cartoons as a child might remember Ralph E. Wolf, punching a time clock, donning a sheep costume and sneaking in among the flock. The sheep continued grazing and feeling safe while he tried to steal them away.
Bishop Richard C. Edgley in the May 1993 Ensign wrote:
In an attempt to further prepare the Saints against the inevitable threatening wolves, Paul the Apostle gave his warning: “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts 20:29.) Where might these wolves get sheep’s clothing that is so authentic as to deceive the Lord’s flock? Could it be they are clothed with exceeding riches and fine clothing as Mormon warned? (See Alma 4:8.) The vainness and frailties and foolishness of men, the learned that hearken not unto the commandments of God, as Jacob warned? (See 2 Ne. 9:28.) Could it be that sometimes they may clothe themselves to appear as righteous shepherds, that even the very elect might be deceived?~Keep the Faith (Italics added)
The scriptures tell us that there will be deceivers within the church and that we will not be saved from their cunning. We also learn that they will be so good at appearing righteous that the very elect will be deceived. I used to think these scriptures pertained only to false prophets and perhaps church leaders who may go astray somehow. I realize, now, that these people may manifest themselves on a much more personal level.
We aren't talking about good people who sin, here. We all make mistakes. We all do hurtful things to others out of frustration, anger or misunderstanding. This is not the same thing. A "wolf" would be someone who intentionally pretends to be what he is not for the purpose of lying, manipulating and using others for his or her own selfish, unrighteous purposes.
Such people are literally on Satan's team. They follow him and he trains them well. As they wreak their havoc, Satan seems to reward them well too... at least for a time.
James E. Faust in a talk titled The Devil's Throat (April 2003) said:
Satan is the greatest imitator, the master deceiver, the arch counterfeiter, and the greatest forger ever in the history of the world. He comes into our lives as a thief in the night. His disguise is so perfect that it is hard to recognize him or his methods. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Television has trained us to view the bad guy as an ugly, sinister looking man dressed in black. I think we all know that isn't reality, but I never thought evil could look so righteous! When I met my ex, he was such a gentleman! On dates, he was protective of me and I always felt safe with him. He never did anything inappropriate. He had been in the church for a long time and obviously knew his scriptures well. He went to the temple every Saturday and knew the entire session by heart (which he later quoted to me to point out the ways in which I was a bad wife and mother.) To me, he seemed a great blessing! Perhaps he was an answer to prayer, a reward for my long-suffering and obedience! Lucky me to find an intelligent, educated, righteous and upstanding priesthood holder!
James E. Faust in a talk, The Great Imitator, given October 1987 said;
Shakespeare wrote, “The prince of darkness is a gentleman” (King Lear,act 3, sc. 4, line 143), and “the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose” (The Merchant of Venice, act 1, sc. 3, line 95). As the great deceiver, Lucifer has marvelous powers of deception. As Paul said to the Corinthians, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14; see also 2 Ne. 9:9).
The prince of darkness can be found everywhere. He is often in very good company. Job said, “Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord” (Job 2:1). His influence is everywhere: “And the Lord said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it” (Job 2:2). (Italics added)
Now, I realize if Satan himself can come before the Lord, would he not then attempt to get a temple recommend if he could? We know that Satan does not work alone. As LDS, we know that 1/3 of the hosts of Heaven took Satan's side pre-mortally. We also know people here on Earth choose his side. Thus, it should not have come as a surprise to me when I found out that temple recommends do, in fact get into the hands of the unrighteous. Evil people can present themselves "before the Lord" for their own purposes. They do not fool the Lord, but they can deceive His elect leaders.
Thus, the new name of my blog. Wolves with Recommends.
The First Presidency described Satan: “He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (Messages of the First Presidency, comp. James R. Clark, 6 vols., Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965–75, 6:179).
Satan is the world’s master in the use of flattery, and he knows the great power of speech (see Jacob 7:4). He has always been one of the great forces of the world.
If you are reading my blog, perhaps it is because you are questioning your gut feeling about someone, or perhaps you are concerned about abuse. Whatever the reason, if you have further questions about my blog, don't hesitate to contact me via my e-mail link. I am no expert on abuse, but I've lived with a "wolf with a recommend" and I've learned a thing or two about how they operate!