A warning blog about my ex

Being a member of the LDS Church is the greatest blessing of my life. I cherish my faith and, although a predator put it in jeapardy, it is now stronger than ever.

Thank you to all of my friends who have supported me in my trials and my healing. Taking down the posts in this blog was pressed upon me, however, I feel like it brings the experience full circle and completes my healing! I have survived and I am stronger, better and so very much happier!

New posts to my blog will continue to be reflections of my experience with an abusive marriage, although without identifying who abused me. Although it is legal to state facts, he is not worth the hassle of fighting for my right to do so.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

An LDS Sociopath

I have not posted here on my blog for awhile.  The nice thing about healing is that negative memories are farther apart.  I find myself taking my "book" of sociopath experience off the shelf less and less.

It is, however, still good to remain educated and alert on the subject.

I came across this article, written by a self proclaimed sociopath who also happens to be LDS.  I have felt that the church is a great "hiding place" for a sociopath.  Not only the LDS faith, but any faith that teaches mercy, forgiveness and the true love of God, or charity.

Because my ex, who I believe to be very similar to this author, is also LDS, I found the article interesting and want to share it.  I do not know if his inner thoughts are the same, but I know he is very good at playing the part of a "righteous, upstanding priesthood holder" in the LDS faith.  I also know that he loves to torture those close to him, behind closed doors.

Here is the link to the article:
